We know this about you.

You Love.

Addictions can have long-lasting effects that can ruin your life in so many ways. Your relationships with people, including your precious children, can also be affected. This is why taking action to get help is so important.

You value your family. We value your family. Let us help you to manage and overcome the addiction. Our team at DCRCA provides a wide range of recovery support services which we will tailor to your specific needs. Many recovering patients feel that their biggest regret is losing their family all because they were not willing to do what it takes to heal. We have experts who will successfully guide you through addiction’s emotional roller coaster and on to long-term recovery and healing.

We are here for you to help you recover emotionally, physically, and mentally from addiction strongholds. Tell us your story. We will listen and apply the coaching techniques that have worked for many others. Yes, you are unique but we begin with using our evidence-based practices that have succeeded with clients time and time again.

Addiction is not your problem. Addiction is our problem. If you are willing, we are willing to work with you so let’s work together. Call (202) 776-0645.

“I know for sure that love saves me and that it is here to save us all.”
― Maya Angelou

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