Empathy not Sympathy

Our Peer Coaches:

Peer coaches are extraordinary: trained to leverage personal experiences to help clients with addictions and mental illnesses. One of our goals is to help the recovering client understand they have a role to play for treatment to be successful.

The peer coach guides the client on how they can leverage inner strengths to overcome challenges during the treatment program. This process involves encouraging the client to acknowledge challenges and teaching them how to use the right tools to overcome personal inhibitions during treatment.

The peer coach uses a professionally guided, client-focused approach to help the client understand they can recover.

Our Peer Coaches:

  • Play the role of mentors to clients diagnosed with substance abuse and addiction problems
  • Teach and encourage clients in recovery treatment to apply practical tips that support recovery with long-term results
  • Build trust with the client undergoing treatment to encourage them to accept support services rendered
  • Guide recovering clients on how to access social support services available in their communities
  • Introduce recovering clients to helpful social circles that support the recovery process

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill.

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